OSXFUSE will request the file from WebDrive and WebDrive may go out to the remote server to download the file.
OSXFUSE Time out - When a Macintosh application, or Finder, accesses a file on your WebDrive, it will ask OSXFUSE to tell WebDrive that it needs the file. However, there are applications, such as Microsoft Office, which require these files and if they do not exist, you will see errors in the application. These meta data files can usually safely be ignored, which is good because transferring them to and from the remote server is very time consuming and slows WebDrive down greatly. These files usually begin with a 'dot', such as. This information is called Meta data and is stored in hidden files called 'dot files' or 'apple double files'. DS_Store - Under the hood, the Macintosh stores extra information about your files and folders. This will cause an extremely great amount of activity on your WebDrive while data is transferred unnecessarily from your server. For instance, for local volumes, Spotlight will attempt to search and index the volume. In general you do not want to enable this feature because Finder, and various applications such a SpotLight, treat local volumes differently than they do network volumes. Mount at a Local device - This option tells WebDrive to mount the volume as a local volume instead of a network volume. Under the Advanced Properties for your Site Profile, you are able to fine tune various FUSE Settings. Macfuse download software#
WebDrive utilizes third party software called OSXFUSE in order to provide the ability to mount your server as a volume on the Macintosh. You are here: Site Profiles > Site Properties > FUSE Settings in WebDrive FUSE Settings